Account Unification
Astar Substrate is a Multi-VM chain that consists of Astar EVM and Astar Native (Wasm) smart contract environments that are interoperable in nature. This allows developers to create impactful and innovative solutions for end users on top of Astar Substrate, however, it comes at the expense of what is considered good UX.
Astar EVM is powered by Frontier (a combination of pallets and client for emulating EVM networks) which enables Astar Substrate to run a highly ETH equivilent L1 chain on top of a Substrate-based chain. Since both EVM and Native Substrate chains have independent address and signature schemes that are distinct from one another, interoperability between them becomes a challenge.
The Astar Substrate chain consists of:
- Astar Substrate EVM: This is powered by
and uses ETH address schemes where user address isH160
- Astar Substrate Native (Wasm): The address scheme is
where user address is described inSS58
All the solutions that require performing actions on other VMs, i.e interoperability between VMs like frontier
, require a deterministic way of converting their addresses to the other VM’s address scheme.
Throughout this doc we will use words “address” and “account” interchangeably, although they are different in literal sense, in the context of this doc they are treated the same.
Account Unification codebase has been audited in December 2023 - Audit report is available on Astar Network Audit Reports
How does frontier
handle accounts?
Put simply, there are a set of Native Substrate accounts existing in parallel to the EVM accounts managed by the frontier
pallet, and one-to-one mappings from the Substrate accounts to EVM accounts are defined by a conversion trait called AddressMapping
in the frontier
pallet’s config.
For each H160 address, the EVM pallet uses AddressMapping
to generate a corresponding SS58 address, which is the account that's actually used to interact with the native side of chain, including by holding its balance in pallet-balances
. So, the native balance is actually stored in pallet-balances
via the SS58 address generated by the mapping.
In short, every EVM address used on the Astar Substrate EVM has an SS58 counterpart existing on the Native side, so, in a sense, the generated SS58 account acts as the backend for all the operations of the H160 native account.
This architecture makes it easier for the EVM side chain to interact seamlessly with the native chain. For example we can wrap the pallet’s interfaces via precompiles for EVM users to consume, and all the pallet’s calls will originate from the SS58 address.
Problems associated with this,
- Since the SS58 address is generated using hashed derivation formula, there is no known private key attached to it. Thus, a user can’t control it directly; actually, no one can.
- The mapping happens in one direction only, i.e from H160 → SS58. We can obtain an SS58 address that's associated with an H160 but it doesn't go the other way around in order to derive an H160 address from a given SS58.
What is Account Unification?
AU is designed to solve the core problems described above:
- No double mapping: This has the most impact since without it we can’t go back on a generated address. For example, if we have a SS58 corresponding to H160, we can’t know which H160 it belonged to.
- Users can’t control the generated address: This is more on UX side, since Astar is a Cross-VM, users are encouraged to engage with both EVM and native Wasm ecosystems equally, but managing two different accounts for two VMs that are not interchangeable with one another is bad UX, from user’s perspective.
Account Unification (AU) provides users the ability to bind their H160 and SS58 addresses together and create double mappings, which can then be used by low-level solutions that require address conversions, such as EVM (i.e frontier
How does AU work?
We introduced a new pallet called pallet-unified-accounts
responsible for managing double mappings between address schemes (H160 and SS58).