
Override mint() Method

Mint allowed only for Owner

You may have noticed while using the Openbrush wizard, that prior to adding the Security -> Ownable trait, the contract will not have the mint() function overridden, so anyone is able to mint new tokens, by default.

However, after including the Ownable trait, the default mint() function will be overridden, and restricted to being called by the contract owner, only.

fn mint(&mut self, account: AccountId, id: Id) -> Result<(), PSP34Error>{
psp34::InternalImpl::_mint_to(self, account, id)

The wizard also creates a line in the new() constructor that sets the initial owner of the contract to the account address used to deploy it:


At this stage we will make a few changes:

  • We do not want tokens to be mintable by the contract owner, only. We would like anyone who paid a fee to be able to mint tokens, as well.
  • We would like to charge a fee of 1 SDN token per token minted (or any other native token, depending on the network).
  • The constructor should not call the mint function.

Make the mint() Function Payable

Making a function payable in an ink! contract is relatively straightforward. Simply add payable to the ink! macro as follows:

#[ink(message, payable)]

However, since PSP34Mintable is an imported trait, the payable attribute can't be overridden in the current state of Openbrush. Therefore, we will need to introduce a new trait, and implement it in our contract. The trait PSP34Mintable and it's mint() function will no longer be needed, so can be removed from the contract.

Let's introduce a new mint() function to the contract, and add it after the constructor.

#[ink(message, payable)]
pub fn mint(&mut self, account: AccountId, id: Id) -> Result<(), PSP34Error> {
psp34::InternalImpl::_mint_to(self, account, id)

This will make the function payable, which means mint() will be able to receive native tokens, however, we still need to check the amount of funds transferred by the call. If the value transferred is not 1 native token, the mint() method will return an error message that can be customized to suit your needs.

#[ink(message, payable)]
pub fn mint(&mut self, account: AccountId, id: Id) -> Result<(), PSP34Error> {
if self.env().transferred_value() != 1_000_000_000_000_000_000 {
return Err(PSP34Error::Custom(String::from("BadMintValue")));

psp34::InternalImpl::_mint_to(self, account, id)

Format your code with:

cargo fmt --all

Check if code compiles:

cargo check

At this stage, your code should look something like this.