Safe Account Abstraction
The Safe{Core} Account Abstraction (AA) SDK aims to bring Account Abstraction to life by integrating Safe with Gelato Relay. This SDK helps developers to abstract the complexity of setting up a smart contract account.
Account Abstraction Kit The AA kit helps user ot create predeterministic smart contract wallets and execute gasless transactions with the Gelato Relay. The safe will only be deployed when the first transaction is sent.
Protocol Kit The Protocol Kit helps interact with the Safe contracts. It enables the creation of new Safe accounts, updating their configuration, and signing and executing transactions, among other features.
Relay Kit The Relay Kit relays Safe transactions, allowing you to get them sponsored by a third party or paid with any supported ERC-20 token.
Safe AA SDKs
As part of the Gelato Raas AA offerings, we have deployed a custom safe-sdk creating following packages
Package | SDK |
Safe Protocol Kit | zkatana-gelato-protocol-kit |
Safe AA Kit | zkatana-gelato-account-abstraction-kit |
Safe Relay Kit | zkatana-gelato-relay-kit |
There are two different ways to send Gasless Transactions through a Safe, either sponsoring the gas with 1Balance or paying with the Safe balance (SyncFee)
In following examples examples, it will be called the increment()
method on this simple counter contract deployed on zKatana
Quick Start
Clone the starter-kit repo
Install project dependencies:
yarn install
in the package.json we have already included zkatana-gelato-protocol-kit, zkatana-gelato-account-abstraction-kit and zkatana-gelato-relay-kit
"zkatana-gelato-account-abstraction-kit": "^1.3.2",
"zkatana-gelato-protocol-kit": "^1.3.1",
"zkatana-gelato-relay-kit": "^1.3.2"
- Create a .env file with your private config:
cp .env.example .env
You will need to input your Private Key PK and GELATO_RELAY_API_KEY for sponsored transactions, you can get it at
- Call the respective method:
- Using 1Balance
yarn aa1Balance
- Using SyncFee
yarn aaSyncFee
Using 1Balance
const safeTransactionData: MetaTransactionData = {
to: targetAddress,
data: nftContract.interface.encodeFunctionData("increment", []),
value: "0",
operation: OperationType.Call,
const safeAccountAbstraction = new AccountAbstraction(signer);
const sdkConfig: AccountAbstractionConfig = {
await safeAccountAbstraction.init(sdkConfig);
const txConfig = {
TO: targetAddress,
VALUE: "0",
// Options:
GAS_LIMIT: gasLimit,
const predictedSafeAddress = await safeAccountAbstraction.getSafeAddress();
console.log({ predictedSafeAddress });
const isSafeDeployed = await safeAccountAbstraction.isSafeDeployed();
console.log({ isSafeDeployed });
const safeTransactions: MetaTransactionData[] = [
to: txConfig.TO,
data: txConfig.DATA,
value: txConfig.VALUE,
operation: OperationType.Call,
const options: MetaTransactionOptions = {
gasLimit: txConfig.GAS_LIMIT,
isSponsored: true,
const response = await safeAccountAbstraction.relayTransaction(
console.log(`${response} `);
$ ts-node src/aa-safe-gasless/aa1Balance.ts
{ predictedSafeAddress: '0x68D60c586763879c6614e2eFA709cCae708203c4' }
{ isSafeDeployed: true }
Using SyncFee
Remember to fund your Safe as the gas fees will be deducted from your safe balance
const gasLimit = "10000000";
const safeTransactionData: MetaTransactionData = {
to: targetAddress,
data: nftContract.interface.encodeFunctionData("increment", []),
value: "0",
operation: OperationType.Call,
const safeAccountAbstraction = new AccountAbstraction(signer);
const sdkConfig: AccountAbstractionConfig = {
await safeAccountAbstraction.init(sdkConfig);
const txConfig = {
TO: targetAddress,
VALUE: "0",
// Options:
GAS_LIMIT: gasLimit,
GAS_TOKEN: ethers.constants.AddressZero,
const predictedSafeAddress = await safeAccountAbstraction.getSafeAddress();
console.log({ predictedSafeAddress });
const isSafeDeployed = await safeAccountAbstraction.isSafeDeployed();
console.log({ isSafeDeployed });
const safeTransactions: MetaTransactionData[] = [
to: txConfig.TO,
data: txConfig.DATA,
value: txConfig.VALUE,
operation: OperationType.Call,
const options: MetaTransactionOptions = {
gasLimit: txConfig.GAS_LIMIT,
gasToken: txConfig.GAS_TOKEN,
isSponsored: false,
const response = await safeAccountAbstraction.relayTransaction(
console.log(`${response} `);
$ ts-node src/aa-safe-gasless/aaSyncFee.ts
{ predictedSafeAddress: '0x68D60c586763879c6614e2eFA709cCae708203c4' }
{ isSafeDeployed: true }