XCM - xTokens
XCM precompiles - Interface
The interface can be found here and contains the following functions:
Only available in Shibuya for now. For Shiden and Astar please check this interface
transfer(currencyAddress, amount, destination, weight)
Transfer a token through XCM based on its address
function transfer(
address currencyAddress,
uint256 amount,
Multilocation memory destination,
WeightV2 memory weight
) external returns (bool);
- currencyAddress - The ERC20 address of the currency we want to transfer
- amount - The amount of tokens we want to transfer
- destination - The Multilocation to which we want to send the tokens
- weight - The weight we want to buy in the destination chain, to set the weightlimit to Unlimited, you should use the value 0 for ref_time
transfer_with_fee(currencyAddress, amount, fee, destination, weight)
Transfer a token through XCM based on its address specifying fee
function transfer_with_fee(
address currencyAddress,
uint256 amount,
uint256 fee,
Multilocation memory destination,
WeightV2 memory weight
) external returns (bool);
- currencyAddress - The ERC20 address of the currency we want to transfer
- amount - The amount of tokens we want to transfer
- fee - The amount to be spent to pay for execution in destination chain
- destination - The Multilocation to which we want to send the tokens
- weight - The weight we want to buy in the destination chain, to set the weightlimit to Unlimited, you should use the value 0 for ref_time
transfer_multiasset(asset, amount, destination, weight)
Transfer a token through XCM based on its MultiLocation
function transfer_multiasset(
Multilocation memory asset,
uint256 amount,
Multilocation memory destination,
WeightV2 memory weight
) external returns (bool);
- asset - The asset we want to transfer, defined by its multilocation. Currently only Concrete Fungible assets
- amount - The amount of tokens we want to transfer
- destination - The Multilocation to which we want to send the tokens
- weight - The weight we want to buy in the destination chain, to set the weightlimit to Unlimited, you should use the value 0 for ref_time
transfer_multiasset_with_fee(asset, amount, fee, destination, weight)
Transfer a token through XCM based on its MultiLocation specifying fee
function transfer_multiasset_with_fee(
Multilocation memory asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 fee,
Multilocation memory destination,
WeightV2 memory weight
) external returns (bool);
- asset - The asset we want to transfer, defined by its multilocation. Currently only Concrete Fungible assets
- amount - The amount of tokens we want to transfer
- fee - The amount to be spent to pay for execution in destination chain
- destination - The Multilocation to which we want to send the tokens
- weight - The weight we want to buy in the destination chain, to set the weightlimit to Unlimited, you should use the value 0 for ref_time
transfer_multi_currencies(currencies, feeItem, destination, weight)
Transfer several tokens at once through XCM based on its address specifying fee
function transfer_multiasset_with_fee(
Multilocation memory asset,
uint256 amount,
uint256 fee,
Multilocation memory destination,
WeightV2 memory weight
) external returns (bool);
- currencies - The currencies we want to transfer, defined by their address and amount.
- feeItem - Which of the currencies to be used as fee
- destination - The Multilocation to which we want to send the tokens
- weight - The weight we want to buy in the destination chain, to set the weightlimit to Unlimited, you should use the value 0 for ref_time
transfer_multi_assets(assets, feeItem, destination, weight)
Transfer several tokens at once through XCM based on its location specifying fee
Only a maximum of 2 assets can be transferred
function transfer_multi_assets(
MultiAsset[] memory assets,
uint32 feeItem,
Multilocation memory destination,
WeightV2 memory weight
) external returns (bool);
- assets - The assets we want to transfer, defined by their location and amount.
- feeItem - Which of the currencies to be used as fee
- destination - The Multilocation to which we want to send the tokens
- weight - The weight we want to buy in the destination chain, to set the weightlimit to Unlimited, you should use the value 0 for ref_time
send_xcm(destination, xcmCall)
Send xcm using PalletXCM call
function send_xcm(
Multilocation memory destination,
bytes memory xcm_call
) external returns (bool);
- destination - Multilocation of destination chain
- xcmCall - Encoded xcm call to send to destination
Find it here. This repository contains examples demonstrating solidity contracts using XCM precompiles. It's an easy way to start if you want to understand and build with EVM & XCM Inside the repository:
- Learn how to do: asset transfer & withdraw as well as native token transfer
- Zombienet config file: spawn a local zombienet with one relay chain and two parachains (Shibuya and Shiden node)
- A setup script in order to create an asset and register it in both networks
- Solidity examples of usage of XCM precompiles
- Integration tests (hardhat) in order to understand the flow of the examples
Please follow the instructions in the README to try it on your local machine.
Create Multilocation
A multilocation is defined by its number of parents and the encoded junctions (interior). Precompiles use the Multilocation type that is defined as follows:
struct Multilocation {
uint8 parents;
bytes[] interior;
Note that each multilocation has a parents
element, defined in this case by a uint8
, and an array of bytes. Parents refer to how many "hops" in the upwards direction you have to do if you are going through the relay chain. Being a uint8
, the normal values you would see are:
Origin | Destination | Parents Value |
Parachain A | Parachain A | 0 |
Parachain A | Relay Chain | 1 |
Parachain A | Parachain B | 1 |
The bytes array (bytes[]
) defines the interior and its content within the multilocation. The size of the array defines the interior
value as follows:
Array | Size | Interior Value |
[] | 0 | Here |
[XYZ] | 1 | X1 |
[XYZ, ABC] | 2 | X2 |
[XYZ, ... N] | N | XN |
Interior value Here
is often used for the relay chain (either as a destination or to target the relay chain asset).
Suppose the bytes array contains data. Each element's first byte (2 hexadecimal numbers) corresponds to the selector of that XN
field. For example:
Byte Value | Selector | Data Type |
0x00 | Parachain | bytes4 |
0x01 | AccountId32 | bytes32 |
0x02 | AccountIndex64 | u64 |
0x03 | AccountKey20 | bytes20 |
0x04 | PalletInstance | byte |
0x05 | GeneralIndex | u128 |
0x06 | GeneralKey | bytes[] |
Next, depending on the selector and its data type, the following bytes correspond to the actual data being provided. Note that for AccountId32
, AccountIndex64
, and AccountKey20
, the network
field seen in the Polkadot.js Apps example is appended at the end. For example:
Selector | Data Value | Represents |
Parachain | "0x00+000007E7" | Parachain ID 2023 |
AccountId32 | "0x01+AccountId32+00" | AccountId32, Network(Option) Null |
AccountId32 | "0x01+AccountId32+03" | AccountId32, Network Polkadot |
AccountKey20 | "0x03+AccountKey20+00" | AccountKey20, Network(Option) Null |
PalletInstance | "0x04+03" | Pallet Instance 3 |
For example in solidity:
// Multilocation: { parents: 1, interior: X1 [Parachain: 2000] }
bytes[] memory interior1 = new bytes[](1);
interior1[0] = bytes.concat(hex"00", bytes4(uint32(2000)));
Multilocation memory destination = Multilocation({
parents: 1,
interior: interior1
// Multilocation: { parents: 0, interior: Here }
bytes[] memory interior1 = new bytes[](0); // Initialize as an empty bytes array
Multilocation memory destination = Multilocation({
parents: 1,
interior: interior1
// Multilocation: { parents: 1, interior: X2 [Parachain: 2000, GeneralIndex: 1] }
bytes[] memory interior = new bytes[](2);
interior[0] = bytes.concat(hex"00", bytes4(uint32(2000)));
interior[1] = bytes.concat(hex"05", abi.encodePacked(uint128(1)));
XCM.Multilocation memory asset = XCM.Multilocation({
parents: 1,
interior: interior