Transfer Asset
Let's use transfer_multiasset
- transfer asset id = 1 token from
2000 toparachainId
2007 - for amount 10000000000000000000000
1. Asset Address
The assetId = 1 is defined with: address = '0xFFFFFFFF...' + DecimalToHex(AssetId) resulting to : 0xFfFFFFff00000000000000000000000000000001
address assetAddress = 0xFfFFFFff00000000000000000000000000000001;
2. Beneficiary Multilocation
Let's suppose the beneficiary
is the EVM address 0xd43593c715fdd31c61141abd04a99fd6822c8558
of the contract in parachain 2007. The Multilocation is { parents: 1, interior: X2 [Parachain: 2007, AccountId20: { id: *caller address* , network: any }] }
The interior field is of type H160 (20 bytes EVM address) so prefixed with 0x03 and suffix with 0x00 (network: any). The interior bytes are 0x03 + EVM address + 0x00
bytes[] memory interior = new bytes[](2);
interior[0] = bytes.concat(hex"00", bytes4(uint32(2007)));
interior[1] = bytes.concat(hex"03", msg.sender, hex"00");
XCM.Multilocation memory destination = XCM.Multilocation({
parents: 1,
interior: interior
3. Weight
The weight we want to buy in the destination chain, to set the weightlimit to Unlimited, you should use the value 0 for ref_time.
XCM.WeightV2 memory weight = XCM.WeightV2({
ref_time: 30_000_000_000,
proof_size: 300_000
4. calling XCM precompiles
Import the XCM precompiles in your contract and call it like this:
address public constant XCM_ADDRESS =
"Failed to send xcm"
Please check full example in the XCM EVM SDK