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Technical Solution


The target audience for this page are developers building projects which interact with dApp Staking protocol.

Please make sure to check the existing dApp staking protocol documentation before diving into this document.

Pallet Internals

To avoid duplicating information, please check the code documentation for respective crates/modules. The rustdoc can be found here.

User is encouraged to check out pallet-dapp-staking, pallet-evm-precompile-dapp-staking and pallet-inflation.


The following subchapters are aimed to help users understand the logic behind some internal workings of the pallet. This information is intended to be complimentary to the aforementioned pallet documentation.

The CurrentProtocolState storage entry is relevant essentially to every functionality, so it won't be repeated in every subchapter.

Staked Amounts In Ledger

The AccountLedger struct contains various pieces of information related to someone's locked & staked amounts. For each staker, an entry of AccountLedger is stored in Ledger storage map.

Both staked and staked_future fields carry information about how much user has staked at some point. If staked_future is not None (or null), then it’s guaranteed to have era value equal to staked.era + 1. Each of these entries caries information about certain era or time span.

There are 4 distinct scenarios how these values can appear:

  1. staked is empty (all zeroes), and staked_future is None. This means the account has nothing staked.

  2. staked is non-empty and staked_future is None. This can be read as: "Staker has staked + staked.build_and_earn amount since era staked.era". E.g., if staked.era = 5 and current era is 7, it means that the staked entry is valid for eras 5, 6 and 7 (assuming they all belong to the same period).

  3. staked is empty (all zeroes), and staked_future has some non-zero value. This is interpreted in the same way as the staked value in the previous example.

  4. staked is non-empty, and staked_future has some non-zero value. In this case, staked describes a single era, while staked_future describes one or more eras. E.g. if staked.era = 5 , and staked_future.era = 6 it’s interpreted as:

    • In era 5, staker has staked + staked.build_and_earn amount.
    • From era 6 and onwards, staker has staked + staked_future.build_and_earn

stake and staked_future entries are not valid indefinitely, they will expire after the period finishes. However, to expire doesn’t mean they are deleted or anything similar to that. Instead, staked.period or staked_future.period need to be checked to understand whether they match the ongoing period number. If they don’t match, they can be ignored & treated as if stake amount is zero.

E.g. if staked.era = 5 and staked.period = 1, and current period is 2, we need to check PeriodEnd storage map to find out when did period 1 end. Let's assume that period 1 ended in era 20 - it would mean that the staked entry is valid from era 5 up to era 20.

Understanding Claimable Eras For Stakers

There are two storage entries to consider Ledger (AccountLedger struct) and PeriodEnd (PeriodEndInfo struct).

The relevant entries for the AccountLedger are staked and staked_future. In case staked_future is not None (or not null), then its era must be exactly +1 compared to the staked era. E.g. if staked.era = 15 , then staked_future.era, if it exists, must be 16.

First step in getting claimable staker reward eras to find the final era for which rewards can be claimed. There are three possibilities:

  1. Rewards have expired and there’s nothing to claim.
  2. Rewards are from a past period (staker.period or staker_future.period is older than the ongoing period) in which case PeriodEnd storage entry should be read to find the ending era of that period.
  3. Rewards are from the ongoing period in which case ending era is protocol_state.current_era - 1

Once we have the latest era for which the rewards can be claimed, we can construct a list of claimable eras with their appropriate stake amount.

There are a few options: (please note that .amount notation is just a simplification for + staked.build_and_earn sum)

  1. Only staked exists, and staked_future is None. Vector of stake entries looks like [(staked.era, staked.amount), (staked.era + 1, staked.amount), ..., (final_era, staked.amount)]

  2. Only staked_future exists, and staked only has zero entries. Vector of stake entries looks like [(staked_future.era, staked.amount), (staked_future.era + 1, staked_future.amount), ..., (final_era, staked_future.amount)]

  3. Both staked and staked_future are non-zero. Vector of stake entries looks like [(staked.era, staked.amount), (staked_future.era, staked_future.amount), ..., (final_era, staked_future.amount)]

Number of Staker Claim Calls Required To Claim All Rewards

Stakers can have many pending rewards if they don't claim regularly. This is normal and expected. One claim_staker_rewards call can claim more than 1 such reward.

To calculate number of calls required to claim all rewards, we need to to the following:

  1. Repeat the step from the subchapter which explains how to get list of claimable eras.

  2. Information about era rewards is stored inside spans - EraRewards storage map & EraRewardSpan struct. Span length is defined by a runtime constant EraRewardSpanLength.

Once we know claimable eras, we need to take the first and last era and put it into the following calculation:

let first_span_index = (first_era - (first_era % EraRewardSpanLength)) / EraRewardSpanLength;
let last_span_index = (last_era - (last_era % EraRewardSpanLength)) / EraRewardSpanLength;

let number_of_claims = last_span_index - first_span_index + 1;

This code assumes that there are claimable rewards. if the logic for getting first and/or last era is wrong (e.g. returns a number when there’s nothing to claim), the above formula won’t work.

Staker Reward Calculation

Pending staker reward for a concrete era can be calculated using a simple formula.

  1. Find out the total staked amount a staker had in some era. See previous chapters on how to extract this information from the Ledger storage map.
  2. Find out how much was staked in total at the end of an era, and what the reward pool was. This can be read from the EraRewards storage map.

reward = total_staked_amount / era_reward.staked * era_reward.staker_reward_pool


Developer should take note of the order of operations above to prevent overflow/underflow. Due to both ASTR and SDN currency having 18 decimals, BigInteger usage is encouraged.

dApp Reward Claiming

In order to claim dApp rewards, it is necessary to know exactly which eras have unclaimed reward for the dApp. The relevant storage map is DAppTiers which maps era to information about dApp tiers & tier rewards.

After reading DappTiers storage map for a particular era, dapp_tiers_rewards.dapps tree map must be checked whether it contains the dapp_id of the smart contract for which we want to claim rewards. Please note that dapp_id is u16 dApp identifier which can be read from the DAppInfo struct in IntegratedDAppsStorage.

In case entry for the dapp_id exists, it will also contain the tier_id value which can be used to read the earned dApp reward from dapp_tier_info.rewards. It’s enough to use tier_id it as index in the rewards vector to find the reward associated with that tier.

Once reward has been claimed, the associated entry will be removed dapp_tiers_rewards.dapps tree map.

Reward Expiry

After predefined amount of periods have passed, unclaimed rewards will expire. This means that staker or dApp owner won't be able to claim these anymore.

The oldest period for which the rewards can be claimed can be calculated like this:

oldest_period = current_period - RewardRetentionInPeriods

where RewardRetentionInPeriods is a runtime constant.

This can be used to limit the iteration over DappTiers storage.

Once we know the oldest period, we can use PeriodEnd storage map to find when did the oldest_period - 1 period end. The era after that one (or +2 to be more precise since +1 refers to the voting subperiod era) will be the first one that has the potential to be claimable.

Bonus Rewards

When checking whether staker is eligible for any bonus rewards, it is necessary to check all of the StakerInfo double storage map entries related to that staker. The first key of the double map is staker account so it can easily be iterated via prefix iteration.

If the staked field of the SingularStakingInfo refers to a valid past period (non-expired), and loyal_staker flag is set to true, it means staker is eligible for the bonus reward.

It's also required to read the PeriodEnd storage map for information about the finished period.

The reward can be calculated as:

bonus_reward = / period_end_info.total_vp_stake * period_end_info.bonus_reward_pool

Once reward has been claimed, the database entry will be cleaned up.

Understanding Tier Rewards

At the end of each Build&Earn subperiod era, dApp scores are calculated, and according to them, dApps are assigned into tiers.

Each tier has a limited capacity, and has a threshold which dApps need to satisfy in order to enter it. The dApp score is simply the total staked amount on the dApp (value can be read from ContractStake storage map). Tiers are described using TierConfiguration struct which is stored in TierConfig storage. Using that information, dApps are sorted out and assigned into appropriate tiers.

Once tiers have been assigned, they are stored into DAppTiers storage map. This is done at the end of every Build&Earn subperiod era, or at the beginning of the block of the next era to be more precise.

Essentially, it is enough to check that storage item once it’s been written to understand how many tier slots have been occupied and how many are unused.

However, it is possible that in that very same block, someone calls claim_dapp_reward extrinsic. This will remove some of the entries from the storage, thus not providing the correct picture of tier usage. To build 100% accurate picture of how many slots were occupied:

  1. Find the block at which new era started, when dApps were assigned to tiers.
  2. Use Runtime Call API to get the tier assignment for the previous block

Reward Pools

Reward pools per era can be read from the Inflation pallet, by reading the ActiveInflationConfig storage value.

Each tier gets a portion of the reward pool (denoted as reward_portion in the configuration). These portions are further partitioned per slots.

E.g. for tier 1 dApp reward is calculated as:

tier_1_dapp_reward = dapp_reward_pool_per_era * reward_portion[0] / slots_per_tier[0]

When To Call Expired Entry Cleanup

Each account can have a limited amount of ContractStakeEntries. This is denoted by MaxNumberOfStakedContracts runtime constant.

If an account has number of contract stake entries equal to the limit, calling stake might fail due to an TooManyStakedContracts error. A special extrinsic call, cleanup_expired_entries can be used to do the cleanup of expired entries to help with this problem.

Entry is considered to be expired if:

  1. It's from a past period & the account wasn't a loyal staker, meaning there's no claimable bonus reward.
  2. It's from a period older than the oldest claimable period, regardless whether the account was loyal or not.

However, it is possible that the aforementioned cleanup call won’t work if the staker account is trying to stake on more contracts than it is allowed. In that case, staker should simply claim their pending rewards before attempting future actions.

Runtime API

Runtimes supporting dapp-staking-v3 functionality will also expose runtime API called: DappStakingApi.

Please refer here for a list of supported functions.