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The Astar Gas Station


Integrate with the Astar Networks Gas Station for optimal priority fee.

Documentation of the calculations


    const oracle = new GasPriceOracle({
defaultRpc: '',
blocksCount: 200,
chainId: 81,

estimate: {
baseFee: 779.371350051,
maxFeePerGas: 782.371350051,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 3
gasPrices: {
instant: 1013.182755066,
fast: 935.245620061,
standard: 857.308485056,
low: 779.371350051
  • The GasPriceOracle Github repo does not mention how it does it’s calculations but from the results I could infer and confirm these results:
    1. Low Gas Price: is the base fee.
    2. Standard Gas Price: 110% of the base fee.
    3. Fast Gas Price: 120% of the base fee.
    4. Instant Gas Price: 130% of the base fee.


  • 8 months ago (October 30, 2022), a change was implemented to gather the gasPrices from the last 20 blocks and use percentiles of the results.
for (let i = latest.number; i > latest.number - 20; i--) {
block = await web3[network].eth.getBlock(i);
for (let j = 0; j < block.transactions.length; j++) {
txn = await web3[network].eth.getTransaction(block.transactions[j]);

const percentiles = percentile([35, 60, 90, 99], gasPrices);


  • As of November 1st, 2023, the GasPriceOracle, is bein used as fall back values if an error occurred and the percentiles were undefined.

Substrate Tip Calculation

  • The substrate tip is exactly the EVM price calculations multiplied:
    Tip Value=Gas Price×1000Tip Value=Gas Price×1000

Using the gas station

Example output


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