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Spin up a Collator


Collators are responsible for the network stability, it is very important to be able to react at any time of the day or night in case of trouble. We strongly encourage collators to set up a monitoring and alerting system, learn more about this from our secure setup guide.

Service Parameters

./astar-collator \
--state-pruning 1000 \
--blocks-pruning 1000 \
--collator \
--name {COLLATOR_NAME} \
--chain astar \
--base-path /var/lib/astar \
--telemetry-url 'wss://' \
-- \
--sync warp

Verify synchronization

Before jumping to the next steps, you have to wait until your node is fully synchronized. This can take a long time depending on the chain height. Please note that syncing to one of our networks requires the node to sync with the network and with the relay chain.

Check the current synchronization:

journalctl -f -u shibuya-node -n100

Session Keys

Author session keys

Run the following command to author session keys:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id":1, "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method": "author_rotateKeys", "params":[]}' http://localhost:9944

The result will look like this (you just need to copy the key):


Set session keys

Go to the Polkadot.js portal and connect to respective network (Astar, Shiden or Shibuya).

Go to Developper > Extrinsic and select your collator account and extrinsic type: session / setKeys

Enter the session keys and set proof to 0x00:

Submit the transaction.


Set identity

On the Polkadot.js portal select Accounts.

Open the 3 dots next to your collators address: Set on-chain Identity:

Enter all fields you want to set:

Send the transaction.

Request judgment

On the Polkadot.js portal select Developer > Extrinsic.

Select your collator account and extrinsic type: identity / requestJudgment.

Send the transaction.

Bond funds

To start collating, you need to have 32 000 SDN tokens for Shiden or 3 200 000 ASTR tokens for Astar.

On the Polkadot.js portal select Developer > Extrinsic.

Select your collator account and extrinsic type: CollatorSelection / registerAsCandidate:

Submit the transaction.

Production blocks


Onboarding takes place at n+1 session.

Once your collator is active, you will see your name inside Network tab every time you produce a block:

Leave candidacy

Once you become a collator and enter a session, you are required to produce blocks for that session. To avoid slashing, candidates must first initiate the leave process.

On the Polkadot.js portal select Developer > Extrinsic.

Select your collator account and extrinsic type: CollatorSelection / leaveIntent:

The collator has now removed themselves from the next session. After the current session has ended, candidates can withdraw their bond.

On the Polkadot.js portal select Developer > Extrinsic.

Select your collator account and extrinsic type: CollatorSelection / withdrawBond: