
MetaMask Astar Wallet Snap


Astar Wallet Snapは、MetaMaskの機能を拡張し、特にPolkadot上で動作するAstar Substrateで構築されたブロックチェーン向けに提供されます。Astar Wallet Snapを使用すると、MetaMaskを使用してSubstrateウォレットを迅速に生成し、トランザクションの署名や@polkadot/extension-dappパッケージを利用する分散型アプリケーション(dApps)とのやり取りが可能になります。MetaMaskを介してAstarエコシステム内のすべてのdAppsとシームレスにやり取りできるため、MetaMaskの有用性がEthereumやEVM互換のネットワークを超えてSubstrateにまで拡大します。


Astar Wallet Snap の運用を進めるには以下のステップに従ってください。(Portal) 例として用いる dapp のソースコード はレポジトリの一部分としてご利用いただけます。このガイドは Metamask が インストールされていて、適切に設定されていることを想定しています。

Connect to the Portal

Click the webpage button labeled "Astar Snap" with the MetaMask logo

Connect to the Portal
Connect to the Portal

Review & Accept Third-Party Software Notice

Click the arrow to view the entire third-party software notice and, if you accept it, click the MetaMask "Third-party software notice" button labeled "Accept" to accept the MetaMask third-party software notice.

Review 3rd-Party Software Notice
Review 3rd-Party Software Notice

Accept 3rd-Party Software Notice
Accept 3rd-Party Software Notice

Review & Accept Connection Request

Review the connection request and, if you accept it, click the MetaMask "Connection request" button labeled "Connect" to accept the Astar Wallet snap connection request.

Connection Request
Connection Request

Review Snap Permissions & Begin Installation

Click the arrow to view the entire list of permissions required by the Astar Wallet snap and, if you accept them, click the MetaMask "Install snap" button labeled "Install" to begin installing the Astar Wallet snap.

Review Permissions
Review Permissions

Begin Installation
Begin Installation

Confirm Elevated Permissions & Complete Installation

Because the Astar Wallet snap has permission to control accounts for the Astar & Shiden Networks (whose tokens carry real economic value), it's necessary to review and confirm this elevated level of access. If you accept this elevated level of access, check the boxes and click the MetaMask "Proceed with caution" button labeled "Confirm" to confirm the elevated level of access and install the Astar Wallet snap. Click the MetaMask "Installation complete" button labeled "OK" to continue to the example dApp.

Confirm Elevated Permissions
Confirm Elevated Permissions

Installation is Complete
Installation is Complete

Connect the Snap Wallet

The Astar Snap Wallet is now configured. Notice the address was derived using the entropy from your MetaMask seed phrase and the snapId. The public key does not depend on the network and will always be the same.


Account Details
Account Details

How to Remove

In MetaMask, click on the tripple dot icon on the top right of the extention, then Snap, lastly click on Astar Wallet, scroll to the bottom and click Remove Astar Wallet

This action will not destroy your account or your funds. But deleting your MetaMask account and/or seed could.

Remove Astar Wallet
Remove Astar Wallet

Remove Snap
Remove Snap

How to Restore

Simply reconnect to the Portal and choose the Astar Snap Wallet again. You will obtain the same address as before with all the funds attached.


XCM is not recommended


That concludes the Astar Wallet snap Portal install instructions. If you have any questions or believe you have found an error or bug, please open an Issue.