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ASTR Liquid dApp Staking with Bifrost Finance

This page explains how to participate in Astar dApp Staking via Bifrost Liquid Staking solution on Astar zkEVM.
More information about dApp Staking.

If you have ASTR on Astar L1 (Subtrate or EVM), consult this guide to transfer them from Astar to Astar zkEVM.

Bifrost Finance

Please be advised that Astar Foundation assumes no responsibility or liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting from your utilization of any third-party application presented in our documentation.

Bifrost is a modular, scalable, non-custodial omnichain liquid staking parachain based on Polkadot. It provides standardized, high-yield, safe, and reliable underlying interest-bearing assets for Web3 through XCM, and is realizing the omnichain vision of using any LST on the any chain. More information.

Bifrost is accessible on Astar zkEVM via its SLPx Omichain protocol (OmiLS), a cross-chain mechanism enabling LSD tokens to be minted on Bifrost parachain from EVM chains such as Astar EVM or Astar zkEVM.

The Liquid Staking version of the ASTR token is called vASTR (voucher ASTR) is a shadow token of staked ASTR, with fully underlying ASTR reserve and yield-bearing feature of ASTR dApp staking reward. Users can deposit ASTR into Bifrost OmniLS protocol on Astar zkEVM and get vASTR as return, vASTR can be traded in the open market or be redeemed back to ASTR. Holding vASTR equals to holding the ASTR staking position, staking rewards appreciate the exchange price of vASTR.


Bifrost charges a 10% commission on staking rewards.

How to stake ASTR & receive vASTR:

  1. Visit Bifrost OmniLS, select vASTR and connect your EVM wallet on Astar zkEVM network;

  1. Enter the amount of ASTR you want to stake in Liquid Staking. In return, you will receive vASTR tokens according to the ASTR/vASTR ratio;
    Remember to take into consideration the cross-chain transaction fee (deducted from the stake amount);

  1. Authorize Bifrost to access your funds by clicking on Approve and signing the transaction in your wallet;

  2. Click on Stake Now to initiate the transaction and sign it in your wallet;

  1. As the transaction takes place on several networks (Astar zkEVM, Astar EVM & Bifrost), it can take up to 10 minutes before the transaction is finalized and the vASTR appears in your wallet.
  2. Once you have received the vASTR tokens, they are ready for use on Astar zkEVM.


To add tokens to your EVM wallet manually, use the following contract addresses:

  • vASTR: 0x7746ef546d562b443AE4B4145541a3b1a3D75717

How to unstake vASTR & receive ASTR:

  1. Visit Bifrost OmniLS, select vASTR and connect your EVM wallet on Astar zkEVM network;

  1. Switch to the Unstake Panel and enter the amount of vASTR you want to redeem. In return, you will receive ASTR tokens according to the ASTR/vASTR ratio including your staking rewards;
    Remember to take into consideration the cross-chain transaction fee (deducted from the stake amount);

  1. Authorize Bifrost to access your funds by clicking on Approve and signing the transaction in your wallet;

  2. Click on Unstake Now to initiate the transaction and sign it in your wallet;


Note that there is a unstaking period of 0 to 10 days;

  1. As the transaction takes place on several networks (Astar zkEVM, Astar EVM & Bifrost), it can take up to 10 minutes before the transaction is finalized and the unstaking process begins;

  2. At the end of the unstaking period, your ASTR tokens and rewards will automatically arrive in your wallet.