Manage dApp & claim rewards
As a dApp owner, a new panel will appear in the Asset page of the Astar portal: Your Project ;
By clicking on your dApp in the Your Project panel, you will have access to everything related to your dApp, from claiming developer rewards to editing your project information;
Your Dashboard:
- Curent Tier: The current tier to which your dApp has been assigned. See Tier system for more information;
- Number of stakers: Total of current stakers on your dApp;
- Total Earned: Total tokens received in the dApp Staking program;
Your Rewards:
Here you can see how many tokens you have earned for past periods and what you still have to claim
To claim your tokens, click on the Claim your rewards button and sign the transaction with your wallet;
Claiming will release all your pending rewards;
- Edit Project Page: Allows you to edit information about your dApp Staking projects;
- Edit your owner info: If you want to change the registered smart contract address and the address receiving developer rewards ;
- Add a promotion card: If you are running a campaign, you can create a promotion card that will be added to the dApp Staking section of the Portal after review;